Sea of Thieves Wiki
Type Encounter

Volcanoes are environmental Encounters only found in The Devil's Roar region. There are three types of Volcanoes:

The Volcanoes are what make Voyages in the Devil's Roar extremely dangerous as any ship or player that is caught in the reach of an erupting Volcano risks various deadly Hazards such as Volcanic Rocks or Tephra, Lava flows and Boiling Hot Water. The combination of these makes navigating erupting islands very difficult as the falling Tephra can easily puncture a ship with holes, stop navigation by breaking apart the Wheel, Capstan and Masts and kill players on impact. In addition, the surrounding waters of the Islands will constantly damage the player with burns unless the crew has a Rowboat and even on land, Lava will make large areas of the island inaccessible. Therefore it is advised that a crew planning to embark on Devil's Roar Voyages prepare enough Wooden Plank and Food and a Rowboat to make surviving an eruption more likely.

Eruption Timing and Signals

A Volcano Eruption will last for 5-10 minutes, with 5-20 minute breaks in between. Every eruption is preceded by an Earthquake and Black Smoke rising from the Volcano's Chimney. Once the Volcano Erupts, it will shoot Tephra rocks in the sky, Lava will flow on the Islands and the water surrounding the Volcano and Island will start to Boil. The range of a Volcano eruption is indicated by a rain of Cinders from above. Despite only appearing on Devil's Roar Islands, Geysers are not a signal of Eruptions and can happen independently of them.

Earthquakes and Black Smoke

Every Volcano eruption is preceded by a loud Earthquake that limits player movement (a mix between limping and drunk walking), however not all Earthquakes are followed by an eruption. Nonetheless, once a crew notices an Earthquake by an Island, every attempt should be made to return to the ship as quick as possible, to be prepared to sail away. A volcanic eruption is signaled when Black smoke will start rising from the chimney of the Volcano after an Earthquake, which is signaled by an even stronger grumbling noise from the volcano. The Black Smoke indicates that an eruption is going to happen in roughly 1 minute, giving a crew little time to react and escape. If an Earthquake is not followed by Black Smoke, then an Eruption will not occur as of yet. Smaller Islands have inactive Volcanoes that can cause Earthquakes, but cannot erupt, so they are much safer to traverse, however take note that some small islands are in the range of the Sea Volcano eruptions.


The main danger of a volcanic eruption is the Tephra or volcanic rock that the Volcano spews in all directions within 1 tile of distance, targeting any Players in range. The Tephra rocks come in small and large forms and will severely damage or kill Pirates and Skeletons upon impact. Small Tephra does significant damage, (enough to instantly kill a Pirate on direct hit), and puts 2 holes in a Ship. Large Tephra does even more damage and puts 4 holes in a Ship. Tephra from eruptions is constant, concentrated, and extremely dangerous. Galleons are much safer from Tephra than other Ships, as the majority of Tephra puts holes in the Galleon's upper deck, but any ship in proximity to an eruption should get away as soon as possible, as the Volcanic rocks will damage the Capstan, Masts and Wheel of the ship, inhibiting the ship's movements. Note that any Gunpowder Barrels that get hit by Tephra will also explode on impact, so it is a good idea not to stash any on your ship during Voyages to the Roar.


Certain spots of large Islands in the Devil's Roar are made of cracked rock that cannot be dug through with the Shovel. Once the Island's Volcano erupts, these cracks turn red, and will rapidly damage any Pirates standing on it. The Lava is not nearly as dangerous as the Tephra, but it does cover the majority of the cave floors within these islands, making it difficult to find safe shelter from the eruption.

Boiling Water

Aside from the rain of Volcanic Rocks, the water surrounding an erupting Island will start to Boil, doing 5% damage per second to any player who comes in contact with it. Due to this, it is advised to use a Rowboat for transporting Treasure and players from Ship to Island as once the Volcano erupts, it will be difficult to get back to your ship unscathed. Note that the water that starts flowing inside the ship, once damaged, is also scalding, making repair efforts more difficult as well. If one finds a Shipwreck close to an open-sea Volcano, they should be mindful of eruptions as not only will it easily sink an unattended ship, but the boiling hot water will make escaping a sunken Shipwreck if not difficult, then deadly.

Additional Notes

  • Skeletons seem to be unaffected by Earthquakes, Lava and Boiling Water, however they can sustain damage from Tephra. Skeleton Ships also seem resistant to Volcanoes.
  • While speculated, it was confirmed by the 2.0.5 Patch notes that Tephra landing locations are not random and do target Ships and Players individually.
  • A player dying from Tephra impact can aquire a Red coloured flame for their Lantern at the Ferry of the Damned